Monday, March 22, 2010

Back to Work - But Keeping the Faith

I am a teacher at an Ecuadorian high school, so as I have started my weight loss campaign I benefited by being on vacation (South American schools generally have "summer vacation" in February and March). I haven't had to worry about fitting my diet around work, or figuring out the best time to do my workouts.

That changed today. Mar 22 is back to school or for teachers so here I am back into a work routine. We are up early enough to get our animals taken care of and lunches packed. Then my wife gets on her bus and I get on mine. First day for teachers, of course is fairly simple. We get a couple of meetings, spend some time networking with the other teachers and seeing what everybody did on their vacations. Then we check out our rooms - I got a new desk!

After school was over I changed and did a cardio session on the school track. While doing that I heard a yell. Some of my oncoming seniors were at basketball practice. While the ladies had a water break we talked a bit and briefly got caught up. Fun!

Tonight I'll be trying out a total body fitness DVD. We'll see how it goes!

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